The Tantric Spiritual Art of Nadean O'Brien

Mandalas by Rampal





"Sailor of the Soul"

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(acrylic on canvas 30" x 30", crystal embellished)

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"Sailor of the Soul," although not explicitly Tantric, is symbolic of masculine mind’s longing for union with its creative feminine soul. Fearlessly, the logical mind has charted a course into the mysterious east, the realm of the soul, embarking on a life-transforming journey. The guardian albatross soaring in groups of three, the number of the creator, and an inner ring of energetic dolphins provide stamina and support for this arduous undertaking. The sailor’s reward at the end of the voyage is to emerge under a glorious night sky filled with a galaxy of crystal stars appropriately set in constellations signifying a balance of masculine and feminine principles. This mandala is a favorite with both men and women.

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