exploration into digital spiritual art continues with
"Flowers for Kali Ma." The mandala is
a major step beyond "Celestial Blessings," yet I've only
scratched the surface of creative possibilities. I can live and breathe without
beloved brush and canvas, and paint splatters on my clothing! I am awed and
inspired by the work of other digital artists, but find that my
own style and vision continue to evolve. The yantra was precisely
drawn with the pen tool; each flower individually painted and then
placed in a garland. Kali's image is from a clay statue created by
artisans for a recent festival in Kolkata (Calcutta), India.
Work on the mandala began shortly before I had to sell my studio
home and most of my worldly belongings and move on to an entirely
different lifestyle. Clearly, Kali's destructive energy had
entered my life and there was no choice but to graciously
surrender. Years previously I had heard of "Dancing with Kali
Ma." When the going gets tough, embrace the challenge and
celebrate the opportunity! So dance I did, literally and
figuratively, until the darkness passed. My flowers are an
offering of thanks and gratitude for coming to know the softer
side of Kali.
Symbolism of the Mandala
of the Hindu goddess Kali are believed by scholars to be lost in
the pre-historical Dravidian tribal culture of India. Folklore
tells of a dark female deity representing the powerful destructive
and reproductive forces of nature. Over time, she has evolved into
the Vedic warrior daughter of Durga and the disheveled "Kali
the Terrible" standing with tongue out over a prostrate Lord
Shiva. To enlightened worshipers and devotees, Kali is a loving
and protective mother. Her wrath is
symbolic warfare against our inflated human egos and mistaken
notions of self-importance that are a barrier to true spiritual
growth or awareness. It is in this capacity that the energy of
Kali and her mantra play an important role in the practice and
rituals of Tantric Kriya Yoga today.
much celebrated Durga and Kali Pujas of Bengal that are held in
accordance with the lunar calendar around October/November
coincide with Diwali and the worship of Lakshmi, Goddess of
Wealth, throughout the rest of India. Elaborate pandals (temporary decorative scaffolding)
serving as temples for
beautifully crafted clay statues of the deities appear on almost
every street. The stalls of flower vendors are heaped high with
garlands of fresh flowers, Kali's favorite being the red hibiscus
blossom as well as marigolds and chrysanthemums. At festival's
end, the clay idols are taken in procession amid loud chants and
drumbeats to the river and cast into the water, symbolizing the
departure of the goddess to her respective home and husband.
home is the cremation ground, a place most of us would not like to
visit. However her dwelling place represents the heart chakra. It is the
fire of unconditional love burning in our hearts that purifies and
transforms emotions such as anger, resentment, fear, jealousy,
hatred, and so on. When viewed in this light and experienced
through the mystery of the mandala, the cremation
ground has a whole new meaning. Finally, there are always faithful
guardians in my paintings, this time a pair bright green beetles.
These lowly creatures of nature spend most of their lives grubbing
in the dirt, but on occasion realize they have the capability to
Krim Kalikaye Namaha